Hubertus Karma-knowledge - the key to life realization |
Karma : Debt conditions from previous
lifes |
the following you can determine, what two humans owe physically-materially,
morally or emotional to each other. These
relation form the most important attraction between humans; it allows us to
say : love is blind ! |
Explications to the Karma relations
Example Advice for filling out the formular : -
A Karma topic always makes one with the initials
from forwards and surnames, with which the two persons learned
themselves to know. -
A married woman puts in the culumns the initial
of their expressed first names and the initial of their maiden name
and their expressed surname. The name of the father (
producer ), is also taken into account
if the person is informed of the father-producer name – for : an adopted person with foster name or a person, which carries from birth
to the name of the mother or an artist, who exchanged the father
name for an artist name.. : -
When filling out the columns it
is sufficient to indicate the initials of the regularly expressed first names, maiden name , title and
surname. -
By titles one understands only considered
regularly expressed titles of nobility as : von, to, de, etc. and their international counterparts
(de la, Mac, della). -
Scientific titles / honour title also dr., Dr., Professor, etc. are not
considered -
Accents are not indicated : é = e, à = a, â = a,
ä = a, ü = u , ö = o. etc. / ß =ss -
O’Connor = O Connor or O-Connor, Mc’Enroe = Mc
Enroe or Mc-Enroe, etc.
entry in the field “First name” : I
Hans - Jakob von
der Wiesen - Blume
= entry in the field “First name”
: H-J,
entry in the field “Titles of nobility” : V-D entry in the field “Surname” :
W-B Maiden name Maiden
name (birth name – fathers name - for men and women) is to be indicated, if one does not expressed the name of them
Do not enter maiden name twice(in the field maiden name and field surname). Example : Gaby Müller born Becker entry in the field “Maiden name” : B entry in the field “Surname” : M If one maiden name at the names of the man and both expresses gives one, entry both initials into field “Surname” on and the field “Maiden name”
leaves freely. Marriage partners : Wen you make nowless with an married person, you
have to consdered for your Karmarelationship theme also the maiden name. One always makes Karma relation topics with the
names, with which one became acquainted with oneself. Withhout Ascendant to now cannot be made
obligatory data the emotional Karmarelation. Gladly we provide your ascendant : Ascendant
order Case you not to get ahead :
copyright by Hubertus 2001 Copy as well as a lucrative use of the systems requires our written
permission |