Company - and personal analysis
Fate change by name change This
formula shows, how name change effects a fate changes |
first the Birth
topic of the person a to be analysed and accomplish you to then named
variations, in
order to see and to evaluate be able the changing fate. Please you fill out the form for the determination
of the fate change |
References for filling out the form : -
By titles one considers only regularly
expressed titles of nobility such as : von, to, de, etc. and their international counterparts
(de la, Mac, della). -
Not considered are scientific titles/honour
title also dr., Dr., Professor, etc. -
Accents ARE NOT indicated : é = e, à = a, â = a, ä = a, ü = u , ö = o. etc. -
Apostrophes are not indicated: O'Connor = O
Connor, Mc'Enroe = Mc Enroe, etc.. -
The century number is not used. -
If a person by birth received the surname from
the mother or an adoptive name, do not take this formulary. You can see their current luck and conditions
for success under |
The "Personal analysis" is based on a
twelve-year-old scientific base of the "Large topic by Hubertus". |
copyright by Hubertus 2001 Copy as well as a lucrative use of the systems requires our written
permission. |